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University Directory

Alphabetical Index

Safety Office

(University Operations)

Dept. 4305, 1000 E. University Ave

Main Office .....766-3277


Chad Bade, Dir of Emergency Mgmt, Health and Safety .....766-2649

Bailey Wallace, Industrial Hygiene Spec .....766-3203

Gary Egge, Fire Safety Spc .....766-3285

Steve Musser, Safety Spec .....766-4936

Kodi Bernaski, Coord Injury and Illness Prevention.....766-2250

Kevin Macartney, Chemical Safety Spec .....766-6116


SAREC - James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research & Extension Center

2753 State Hwy 157 Lingle, WY 82223-8543

Fax .....307-837-2963


Steve Paisley, Dir .....307-837-2000

Kevin Madden, Farm Mgr .....307-837-2000

Kelly Greenwald, Admin Assoc .....307-837-2000


Satellite Downlinking .....766-4999/766-2417


Scholarships and Financial Aid

Dept. 3335, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall Rm. 174

Fax .....766-3800


Office ......766-2116

TTY .....766-3635

Anna Terfehr, Director .....766-3506

Federal Programs

Laurie Jaskolski, Asst Dir .....766-6727

Sara Muhsman, Coord, Fin Aid Programs .....766-2118


Allison Murray, Assoc Dir .....766-3016

Alissa Casey, Coord, Fin Aid Programs .....766-3017

Brian Romero, Coord, Fin Aid Programs .....766-2117

Kayleigh Mohar, Coord, WyoScholarships .....766-2411


System Support

Matt Kanaly, Information Spec, Sr .....766-2424

Matthew Brown, Information Spec .....766-3015

Compliance and Operations

Monique Henley, Mgr Compliance .....766-2412

Shawna Otte, Mgr Operations .....766-3674


Financial Aid Advisors

Corina Vigil, Advisor .....766-3886

Laura Barton, Advisor .....766-3650

Ronda Jackson, Advisor .....766-2317

Vacant, Advisor .....766-3827


Front Counter

Danielle Hershey, Office Asst (part-time) .....766-2116

Kael Kennedy, Office Asst (part-time) .....766-2116


Christy Cunningham, Fin Aid Coord .....766-6101 


School of Computing

Dept. 3395, 1000 E. University Ave.

Engineering Bldg., Rm 4483


Main Office .....766-5299

Gabrielle Allen, Dir .....766-5299

Raya Hegeman-Davis, Dir of Engagement .....766-5288

Beth Leonard, Asst Dir of Busn Ops .....766-2740

Judy Yates, Admin Assoc .....766-5299


School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy and Design

(Education, College of)

Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.

Education Building, Rm. 316/332

Peter Moran, Director .....766-6392

Courtney McKim, Assoc Dir .....766-4803

Tiffany Legal, Office Assoc .....766-5649

Programs: Counseling, K-12 Educational Leadership, Higher Ed Administration, Special Education, Learning, Design and Technology, Educational Research 


School of Culture, Gender & Social Justice

Dept. 4297, 1000 E. University Ave.

Ross Hall Rm. 223

Fax .....766-2555

Main Office .....766-2733


Stephen Dillon, Director .....766-2733

Schools Included are: African American and Diaspora Studies, American Studies, Gender and Women's Studies, Latina/o Studies and Native American and Indigenous Studies

School of Energy Resources

Dept. 3012, 1000 E. University Ave.

Energy Innovation Center, Rm. 341

Main Office .....766-6897

Fax .....766-6701


Holly Krutka, Exec Dir .....766-4184

Kristi Russsow, Exec Admin Asst .....766-6897

Scott Quillinan, Sr Dir, Research .....766-6697

Karoline Klatka, College Relations Rep .....(307) 343-0509

Richard Horner, Sr Advisor .....766-4301

J. Fred McLaughlin, Dir, CEGR .....766-6855

Kipp Coddington, Dir, Center for Energy Regulation & Policy .....766-6731

Rachel Ferrell, Dir, Busn Ops .....766-6809

Christine Reed, Dir, Outreach .....766-6708

Cindy Ishkanian, Grants Mgr .....766-6896

Carrie Ver Burg, Asst Dir, Busn Ops .....766-6814

Frankie Vogt, Busn Mgr .....766-6897

Jerry Evans, Mgr, 3D Vis Cntr .....766-6911

Kyle Summerfield, Mgr And Lead Developer .....766-6913

Kris Koski, Dir, Professional Land Man & PLM Lecturer .....766-4295

Paul Bethrens, Consultant, Carbon Engineering

Phil Black, Research Scientist

Trina Pfeiffer, Dir, Ctr for Carbon Capture & Conversion .....766-6897

Kami Danaei, Dir, Academics .....766-6842

Tiffany Bishop, Proj Spec .....766-6897

Eugene Holubnya, Dir, Hydrogen Energy Research Ctr .....766-6897

Stefan Holberg, Research Scientist .....766-6897

ChooiKim Lau, Research Scientist .....766-6897

Davin Bagdonis, Research Scientist .....766-6897

Selena Gerace, Research Scientist .....766-5634

Matthew Johnson, Research Scientist .....766-6897

Charles Nye, Research Scientist .....766-6804

John Jiao, Research Scientist & Prog Mgr .....766-6802

Erin H.W. Phillips, Research Scientist & Prog Mgr .....766-6897

Grant Copeland, Research Scientist .....766-6897

Ying Yu, Research Scientist .....766-6897

David Lucke, Proj Spec .....766-6851

Lu Lee, Asst Res Scientist .....766-6897

Tao Bai, Asst Res Scientist .....766-6897

Madeleine Lewis, Asst Res Scientist .....766-6897


School of Teacher Education

(Education, College of)

Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave.

McWhinnie Hall, Rm. 115


Main Office .....766-6366

Scott Chamberlin, Director .....766-3070

Alexis Ontiveroz, Office Assoc Sr .....766-6366

Vacant, Office Assoc .....766-3130


Science and Mathematics Teaching Center (SMTC)

Dept. 4320, 1000 E. University Ave.

Hill Hall, Room 242

Fax .....766-3792


Sylvia Parker, Interim Dir .....766-6671 

Ana Houseal, Outreach Science Coord .....766-4925

Martha Inouye, Res Sci & Professional Dev Spec,

Clare Gunshenan, Outreach Science Educator,


Science & Technology Library - See Libraries


Science Initiative

Arts & Sciences, Room 331


Office .....766-4415

Mark Lyford, Science Initiative Prog Dir .....766-4234

Michael Baldwin, PGPF Facility Mgr .....766-4448

Karagh Brummond, Outreach & Engagement Co-Dir .....766-4186

Rachel Watson, Learning Actively Mentoring Prog Dir .....307-314-9636

Erin Klauk, Outreach and Engagement Co-Dir .....766-4558

Jamie Crait, Wyoming Research Scholars Prog Dir .....766-6310

Carmela Guadagno, CEA-C Assoc Dir 

Jeff Slaughter, SIB and Berry Center Facility Magr .....766-5060

Tabatha Spencer, Exec Business Mgr .....766-4447 

Jay Fahlsing, Admin Assoc .....766-4415

Scientific Stockroom/A&S Division of Research Support

Dept. 3391, 1000 E. University Ave.

Physical Sciences Bldg. Rm. 20

Office .....766-4348


Secondary Education - See School of Teacher Education


Security Services -­ See Police, UW

Seed Certification Service

Wyoming Seed Certification

747 R 9, Powell, WY 82435

Fax .....(307) 754-9820


Office .....754-9815

Mike D. Moore, Mgr .....(307) 754-9815

Melanie Bennett, Office Assoc, Sr .....(307) 754-9815

Kyle Webber, Field Inspector/Advisor .....(307) 754-9815


Seed Analysis Laboratory

749 Road 9, Powell, WY 82435

Fax .....(307) 754-4932


Rachel Geary, Mgr .....(307) 754-4750


Sensory Biology Center

Dept. 3166, 1000 E University Ave

Biological Sciences, Rm. 208B


Qian-Quan Sun, Dir .....766-5602

Kara Duggan, Project Coord .....766-4344


Sheridan Research & Extension Center

1090 Dome Loop, Sheridan, WY 82801-9619


Brian Mealor, Dir .....(307) 673-2647

Dan Smith, Farm Mgr .....(307) 737-2415

Rochelle Koltiska, Office Assoc .....(307) 673-2856


Shipping & Receiving

(University Operations, Material Services)

Dept. 3663, 16th & Gibbon

Fax .....766-3691

Jacob Marquez, Mgr .....766-2409

Robert Martinez, Logistics Hander II .....766-2304, option 4

Doug Barker, Logistics Handler I .....766-2304, option 4


Small Business Development Centers - See Wyoming Small Business Development Centers (WSBDC)

Social Work, Division of

Dept. 3632, 1000 E. University Ave.

Health Sciences Center Rm. 310

Fax .....766-6839

Main Office .....766-6112


Valerie Thompson-Ebanks, Dir .....766-5639

Christina Lepper, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-6112



(Criminal Justice and Sociology)

Dept. 3293, 1000 E. University Ave.

Arts & Sciences Bldg. Rm. 208

Email .....

Main Office .....766-2988



(Cooperative Extension Service)

Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.


Office Assoc .....766-3114

Greenhouse .....766-4734


Sororities - See Fraternity and Sorority Life

Spanish - See Modern & Classical Languages


Space Grant Consortium, Wyoming - See Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium


Special Education - See School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy and Design


Speech and Hearing Clinic - (Communication Disorders) .....766-6426

Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology- See Communication Disorders

Sponsored Programs, Office of

Dept. 4330, 1000 E. University Ave.

Hill Hall, Room 534

Fax .....766-4834

Office .....766-3131

Bethany Allen, Dir .....766-5702,

Melanie Austin, Admin Assoc .....766-3131,

Samantha Fulton, Spec I .....766-4969,

Mitch Wroblewski, Spec I .....766-5703,

Mary Runner, Spec II .....766-5506,

Lori Shuler, Post Award Mgr .....766-3147,

Athena Dixon, Spec I .....766-5701,

Isacc Gull, Spec I .....766-3750,

Michelle Lorenz, Spec II .....766-5500,

Kaylee Collins, Spec I .....766-5344 

Josiah Flores, Costing Spec II .....766-4979,

Thomas Ver Ploeg, Costing Spec I .....766-3135, 

Tabitha Dayton, A/R Spec II .....766-5787,

Sarah Finlay, A/R Spec I .....766-3183, 

Kim Puls, Costing Mgr .....766-5788,


Sports Information - See Athletics Media Relations

Stable Isotope Laboratory

Dept. 4304, 1000 E. University Ave.

Berry Biodiversity Center, Room 222

Research and Economic Development


Office .....766-6373

Craig Cook, Facility Dir .....766-6349

David Williams, Facility Dir .....766-2494

Chandelle Macdonald, Lab Mgr .....766-6373


Staff Employment

Hill Hall, 3rd Floor

Information .....766-2215


Staff Senate Office

Merica Hall, Rm. 320

Adam Comeau, President .....766-5300

Christina McDonald, Office Asst, Sr .....766-5300


State Archaeologist Office, Wyoming

Mail: Dept. 3431, 1000 E. University Ave

Physical: 1575 N. 4th St.,Suite 103, Laramie, WY 82072

Office .....766-5564

Greg Pierce State Archaeologist .....766-5564

Marcia Peterson, Asst State Archaeologist .....766-5565

Archaeological Survey

Michael Page, Dir .....721-0886


Fax .....766-3693

Marieka Arksey, Collections Mgr.....766-3671

Rachel Shimek,, Curation Asst .....766-3671


State Climate Office, Wyoming

Dept. 3943, 1000 E. University Ave.

Engineering Bldg Rm. 6076


Tony Bergantino .....766-3786


State Geological Survey, Wyoming

P.O. Box 1347, Laramie, WY 82073-1347

WY Geological Survey Bldg.

Fax .....766-2605

State Geologist .....766-2286


State Seed Analysis Lab, Wyoming

749 Rd 9, Powell, WY 82435

Fax .....754-4932

Gil Waibel, Dir .....754-4750

R. Denny Hall, Lab Tech .....754-4750


State Veterinary Laboratory, Wyoming

1174 Snowy Range Road, Laramie, WY 82072

(Campus Mail only: WY State Vet Lab, West Laramie)


Alexandra Brower, Dir .....766-9929

WSVL Main Office .....766-9925

Lindsey White, Accountant, Sr .....766-9928

Emily Jensen, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-9927

Cade Plotts, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-9918


Statistics - See Mathematics & Statistics


Student Accounts ­- See Financial Services

Student Activities Council ­- See Center for Student Involvement & Leadership

Student Affairs

Dept. 3066, 1000 E. University Ave.

Old Main Suite 408

Main Office .....766-5123

Fax .....766-2696


Kim Chestnut, Interim VP .....766-5123

Courtney Thomson-Lichty, Project Coord .....766-5127

Laurie Smith, Assessment Coord .....766-2865


Student Educational Opportunity (SEO)

Dept. 3808, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall Rm. 330

Fax .....766-4010

Main Office .....766-6189


Pilar Flores, Dir .....766-6189

Stephane Baker-Bowen, Busn Mgr .....766-6189

Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) .....766-6189

GEAR UP Wyoming .....766-6189

Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) .....766-6189

McNair Scholars Program .....766-6189

Student Success Services (SSS) .....766-6189

Upward Bound (UB) .....766-6189


Student Employment  - See Employment

Student Exchange Programs

Dept. 3228, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall Rm. 253

Adviser .....766-5193 


Student Financial Operations/Short Term University Loans - See Financial Services

Student Health Service

Dept. 3068, 1000 E. University Ave.

Student Health/Cheney International Bldg.

Fax .....766-2711

Appointments & Information .....766-2130

Matthew Boyer, DO, Director .....766-2130

Rob Bennett, Business Mgr .....766-2130

LaRamie Vialpando, Administrative Assoc .....766-2130

Pharmacy .....766-6602


Student Housing ­- See Housing and Dining

Student Leadership and Civic Engagement (SLCE) - See Center for Student Involvement & Leadership

Student Media

Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.

Wyoming Union Rm. 312

Fax .....766-4027

Main Office .....766-6190

Student Media Board .....766-6190

Cary Berry-Smith, Supv .....766-3826


Vacant, Sales/Circulation Mgr .....766-6336

Andrea Kelly, Acct Assoc, Sr .....766-5127

Branding Iron Newspaper/Online .....766-6190

Frontiers Magazine .....766-6190

Owen Wister Review .....766-6190

Newsroom .....766-6190

Robin Lyons, Collegiate Design .....766-6351


Student Medical Insurance

Dept. 4305, 1000 E. University Ave.

Hill Hall Rm. 641

Fax .....766-3024


Elizabeth McDade, Office Assoc .....766-3025


Student Organizations.....766-6340


Student Success and Graduation

Old Main, Suite 101, 1000 E. University Ave.


Main Office .....766-5765

Nycole Courtney, AVP .....766-5765

Abby Markley, Assoc Dean .....766-4866

Hailey Sanderson, Asst to the VP .....766-5765 


Students' Attorney

Dept. 3135, 1000 E. University Ave.

Knight Hall, Rm 128



Student Success Services- See Student Educational Opportunity

Study Abroad - See Education Abroad

Summer High School Institute

Dept. 4147, 1000 E. University Ave.

Guthrie House/Honors College

1200 Ivinson

Li Ting, Dir .....766-3005

Mandi Reish, Proj Coord .....766-6796


Summer Research Apprentice Program

Wyo Hall, Rm. 421

Fax .....766-2061


Malinda Daniel, Proj Coord .....766-6059


Summer Bridge – See LeaRN


Summer Session

Dept. 3302, 1000 E. University Ave.

Wyo Hall Rm. 305

Fax .....766-4048

Registrar Info .....766-5272

Admissions Info .....766-5160

Miguel Rosales, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-6559


Supplemental Instruction – See LeaRN



(University Operations, Material Services)

UW- Surplus Depot .....766-2340


Survey Research Center - See Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center (WYSAC)

The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.

Undergraduate and Graduate

Got a Question?

(307) 766-5160

Information Technology

(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)

Academic Support - Student Computing

Ask IT - Online Resources

Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292


International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193

Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300

Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175

(307) 766-5272

Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116

Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160

Contact Us

If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.