Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Cool nights and hot fall colors | Brian Sebade | 2 |
Hardy crops make for fresh produce during long winters | Brian Sebade | 4-6 |
Grapes Galore! Planning your Wyoming Vineyard | Jeremiah Vardiman | 7-8 |
Crop protections push vegetable harvests into late fall - even winter | Jennifer Thompson | 9-10 |
Make the most of your winter by propagating indoor plants | Abby Perry | 11-12 |
Food safety first, even with wild game | Denise Smith | 13-15 |
Proper windbreak planning a must to avoid later frustrations | Martin Curry | 16-17 |
Meet Wyoming's most prolific insect pest of trees | Harrison Brookes, Kelly Norris, and Jamie Schmidt | 18-20 |
Youth learn by doing through Wyoming4-H Program opportunities | Sarah Torbert | 21-22 |
Clean, Drain, Protect - Tips and tricks to winterize pesticide application equipment | Jess Butler | 23 |
Fun foraging facts and forays with foresight will keep you healthy | Jamie Schmidt and Brian Sebade | 24-26 |
Ask Sam - "What are some tips for storing equipment during winter months?" | 27 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Glorious summer | Abby Perry | 2 |
The right tree + the right location = the highest success | Tara Costanzo and Travis Pardue | 4-5 |
Mulch ring soothes a newly planted tree’s stress | Tara Costanzo | 6-7 |
Shedding some light on shade cloth | Jeff Edwards | 8-9 |
Beginning farmer/rancher incentive helps Gillette farmer increase production | Alyssa Louria | 10-11 |
Reducing wildfire risk through fuel breaks: Landowner leading by example | Travis Pardue, Nick Zaczek, Melissa Mokry | 12-14 |
Grape pests want more than a sip of your vineyard | Scott Schell | 15-17 |
How to start a small-acreage cow-calf operation | Shelby Rosasco | 18-19, 27 |
Preventing, solving those pesky fruit tree diseases | William Stump | 20-22 |
Wyoming raspberries under attack | Scott Schell | 23-24 |
Residents asked to watch for Japanese beetles | Harrison Brookes | 25-26 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Rest. Recreate. Plan. Recharge | Brian Sebade | 2 |
Reseeding after fire: If, when, and how | Kristina Hufford | 4-6 |
Containers can provide gardeners control over invading insects or weeds | Justin Williams | 7-9 |
Wild for wildflowers | Abby Perry | 10-11 |
Think you have the next big thing for a farmers market? | Brian Lee | 12-13 |
Sunn hemp's benefits could prove alternative forage crop in Wyoming | Carrie Eberle | 14-15 |
Speciality crops: Growing medicinal herbs, culinary herbs and spices in Wyoming | Celeste Havener | 16-19 |
Want to build on new property? Do your due diligence! | Jeremiah Vardiman | 20-22 |
Prospective landowners should understand the basics of Wyoming mineral rights | Scott Cotton | 23 & 25 |
Calibrating sprayers make herbicide applications more effective and saves money | Jenna Meeks | 24-25 |
Ask Sam: "I noticed some strange spots on my lawn this spring right after the snow melted. What is this?" | 26 |
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071