Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
"Can you hear me now?" | Tom Heald | 4 |
Cheatgrass - The ecology, biology, and control of a biological time bomb | Brian Connely |
5-7 |
Gardeners raise vegetables almost year-round at 8,000 feet | Jennifer Jones | 8-11 |
How to vaccinate a horse | Lindsay Taylor | 12-13 |
Controlling black-tailed prairie dogs important issue for Wyoming landowners | Bob Shoemaker | 14-15 |
Handling livestock effectively | Mike Smith | 16-17 |
Wyoming Livestock Board oversees state's livestock industry | Fred Emerich | 18-19 |
Ask Sam (What is certified hay?) | 20 | |
How to behave when you encounter a cattle drive | Barton Stam | 21-22 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Living and Working on the Land Conference | 4 | |
Controlling weeds in horse pastures | Scott Hininger | 5 |
Outreach project exists to serve small-acreage landowners | Jennifer Thompson | 6-7 |
What if we had a drought and landscape plants didn't know it | Tom Heald | 8-9 |
Ranch on Navajo Nation develops trail riding business | Prunell Charley, Russ Tronstad and Trent Teegerstrom | 10-11 |
Developing a plan for windbreak has future payoff | Jim Arnold | 12-13 |
Sustainable agriculture farmer/rancher grants available | Jim Freeburn | 14-15 |
Necessary personal skills for dealing with agri-tourism visitors | Russ Tronstad, Trent Teegerstrom, Prunell Charley | 16-17 |
Lasting Legacy courses help families pass baton to future generations | John Hewlett | 18-19 |
Broccoli & ice cream: grazing management is making sure your animals eat their vegetables along with their sweets | Dallas Mount | 20-22 |
Entire Special conference B&B issue |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Extreme gardening: Microclimates making them work for you | Jennifer Jones | 4-6 |
Pasture renovation | Barton Stam | 7 |
Featured landowner: Residents of rural subdivision cooperate to battle weeds | Travis Ziehl | 8-10 |
Precautions can ease human-bear conflicts | Dana Courtney | 11-13 |
Search the world for plants, but some gems exist in our own backyard | Tom Heald | 14-15 |
Suggestions help keep relations with neighbors on even keel | Lucy Pauley | 16-17 |
Small-acreage workshops this growing season | 18 | |
Ask Sam:Overgrazing and horses | 19 | |
Think native when restoring small-acreage rangelands | Calvin Strom | 20-22 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Trees, shrubs of High Plains Grasslands Research Station | Mark Hughes | 4-7 |
Featured Landowner: Defensible space against fire instills peace of mind in mountain living | Bryan Anderson |
8-11 |
How to successfully plant a tree or shrub | Tom Heald | 12-13 |
Is Russian olive really a noxious weed in Wyoming? | Stephen Enloe | 14-15 |
Got drought? Property owners can reduce some effects through land management | Barton Stam | 16-17 |
The scoop on manure management | Rachel Mealor | 18-19 |
Ask Sam: Small acreage for agriculture tax designation | 19 | |
Wyoming Water 101: How our state regulates our most important natural resource | Tony Hoch | 20-22 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Clean up the air and help the environment! Plant a windbreak | Scott Hininger | 4-5 |
Raising freezer beef: What does it really cost? | Lindsay Taylor | 6-7 |
Making safe jerky at home: the basics | Warrie Means, Suzy Pelican | 8-10 |
Proper well maintenance helps ensure a good water supply | Adam Sigler, Suzanna Carrithers | 11-13 |
Featured landowner: Family works together to reap benefits of country life | Melissa Hemken | 14-16 |
Ask Sam: Quick Growing Trees For Windbreaks | 17 | |
Tips for building an indoor growing rack | Tony Hoch | 18-19 |
Water quality determines plant health | Karen Panter | 20-22 |
(Back issues of the magazine can be ordered)
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071