Index of Articles - 2008

Barnyards & Backyards

Fall 2008

Title Author(s) Page #
A change of seasons Tom Heald 4
Snow fences help manage blowing snow Michael Smith 5-6
Five plants poisonous to horses in Wyoming Emily Eschbacher 7-9
Featured Landowners: Landowners repair land damage, reap bountiful benefits Jacelyn Downey  10-12
Who's who of famous Western birds Jacelyn Downey  13
Answering ditch irrigation rights, distribution questions Sandra Frost 14-15
Too fat or too thin - What is the right condition for my horses and cattle? Lindsay Taylor, Dallas Mount 16-17
Ask Sam: Pheromones for bark beetle control   18
How geology affects your well water quality Tony Hoch 19-21
Developing chainsaw sense can prevent injuries and make wood cutting easier Bill Kohlbrand 22-23
Tips for felling a tree keep you safe, the job easier Bill Kohlbrand 24-25
Grazing video call for volunteers   25

Summer 2008

Title Author(s) Page #
The ugly duckling Tom Heald 4
Pollination it is a bee-autiful thing Scott Schell 5-7
Featured landowners: Gardening in Laramie Valley is like gardening on a different planet Tony Hoch 8-9
Four herbicides for the landowner Brian Connely 10-11
Wyoming weed puzzle Lindsay Taylor 12
Top reasons for septic system failure and how to prevent them Mila Ready 13-15
Fence designs accommodate wildlife but keep livestock in Rory Karhu 16-17
Creating defensible space around property is homeowner responsibility Ron Graham 18-20
Healthy pastures mean healthy horses Kellie Chichester 21-23
Ask Sam: Outhouse question   23
Harvesting bark beetle-infested firewood brings unwanted pests to town Scott Schell, Les Koch 24-25

Spring 2008

Title Author(s) Page #
Meadowlark's melody announces arrival of spring Tom Heald 4
Managing house and garden insect pests safely Scott Schell 5-7
Featured landowners: Small acreage near Powell shows how couple overcome Wyoming challenges Sandra Frost, Steve Miller 8-10
These troopers take high elevations, short growing seasons in stride Jennifer Jones, Karen Panter 11-13
Calibrating sprayer most important step before treating weeds Dana Brown 14-15
Reducing deer and rabbit damage to woody plants Mark Hughes 16-17
Five underutilized trees for Wyoming rural landscapes Tom Heald 18-19
To build a pond in Wyoming Mark Optiz 20-21
Workshops addressing small-acreage issues set across Wyoming Jennifer Jones 22-23
Ask Sam (Tamarisk)    23
Wyoming Livestock Board handles animal abuse concerns Fred Emerich, Jimmy Dean Siler 24-25

Winter 2008

Title Author(s) Page #
What you don't see Tom Heald 4
Wyoming offers opportunities for alternative crops Karen Panter 5-7
Featured landowners: Couple put conservation practices to work Sharon Williams 8-10
Protect your soil from Mariah Dallas Mount 11
Create homes so bluebirds come your way Jacelyn Downey 12-13
If you fence it, they'll stay out Cole Ehmke 14-15
Little Beetles Big Problem James Arnold 16-17
How grazing management affects water quality Rex Lockman 18
New information resource available for small-acreage landowners! Jennifer Jones 19
Ask Sam (Winterkill on trees)    20
Raising fruit can sweeten Wyoming dinner tables Scott Hininger 21

(Back issues of the magazine can be ordered)

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Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071

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