Index of Articles - 2020

Barnyards & Backyards

Fall 2020

Title Author(s) Page #
Fall a great time to plan and prepare Abby Perry 2
Selecting turfgrass for Wyoming no easy walk in the park Chris Hilgert 4-7
Four garter snake species call Wyoming home Neil Smith 8-11
A recipe for winter survival - safe, warm, well-fed and connected Scott Cotton 12-13
The scoop on dirt and soil Jeff Edwards 14-15
Black widow and brown recluse spiders - one very common, the other very rare in Wyoming Scott Schell 16-18
Pollinator partners Jacelyn Downey 19-21
To be a weed. To not be a weed. It all depends. Jenna Meeks 22-23
Wyoming Department of Agriculture ag stress page offers resources Lucy Pauley and Derek Grant 24-25
Ask Sam: I am new to gardening and would like to start. What are some easy vegetables for me to grow?   26

Summer 2020

Title Author(s) Page #
Irrigation, wildfire, weeds, vacations, pollinator plots – this issue bursts with topics Brian Sebade 2
Pulling, mowing, burning can help stop weed spread after going to seed Jess Butler 4-5
Planning ahead for animal care can let you have time away Scott Cotton 6-7
Rain garden design filters, directs runoff from Gillette three‑acre parking lot Fred Harrell 8-11
A homeowners guide: Understanding defensible space and wildfire preparedness Nich Zaczek, Travis Pardue, and Melissa Mokry 12-15
Aquatic nuisances can cause big problems if not caught early Jenna Meeks and Jess Butler 16-17
Manure boosts Wyoming landscapes no matter the source Abby Perry 18-19
Watering methods, common sense help keep water where most needed Abby Perry 20-21
Take advantage of unlikely moisture source to help establish pollinator plots Rex Lockman 22-23
Termites? In Wyoming? Scott Schell 24-26
Ask Sam: Weed-free hay   27

Spring 2020 - Entire Edition is Available for Free

Title Author(s) Page #
Time to spring ahead to growing season Abby Perry 2
Considering a value-added food venture? There's a three-step approach Cole Ehmke 4-5
Landowners should be aware 2020 may be a high grasshopper year Scott Schell 6-8
To be a shepherd - now you get to lamb Scott Cotton 9-10
Watch your ash because the Emerald Ash Borer could sneak into Wyoming Jeff Edwards 11-13
Best of both worlds! Beauty for the eye, flavor for the table Abby Perry 14-15
Prevention is key to keeping mosquito-borne diseases at bay Jenna Meeks 16-18
Getting the most from your wheel line or hand line irrigation system Caleb Carter 19-21
Understanding temperature inversions, mitigating pesticide drift - and maintaining friendly neighbors Windy Kelley 22-23
Feel there is too much to do and too little time? Try some time management techniques John Hewlett 24-26

Winter 2020

Title Author(s) Page #
We feature winter-themed articles but also look toward spring Brian Sebade 2
Feeling stuck this winter? Try these activities to get out of a rut! Rex Lockman 4-5
Think container gardening if looking to raise vibrant veggies Brian Sebade 6-7
When I say "geodesic dome" what do you think about? Jeff Edwards and Ted Craig 8-10
Many raptor species roam Wyoming skies. Here's how to identify them. Zach Hutchinson 11-13
Like pollinators and hate bloat and weeds? Think sainfoin - the honey crop. Scott Cotton 14-15
Fishy signs in Jackson Hole indicate "Trout Friendly" lawns. Phoebe Coburn 16-17
Some veggies like it hot and some like it not - what this means for you and your garden! Brian Sebade 18-20
Determine basic nutrient needs of animals on smaller operations. Scott Cotton and Chance Marshall 21-22
What are pesticides and what does this mean for you? Jenna Meeks 22-24
Weed and pest districts exist to assist landowners Slade Franklin 25-27


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Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071

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