Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Fall time to harvest fruits of labors, prepare for you know what | Mae Smith | 2 |
Ask Sam - I have been seeing stories in the news about animals getting vesicular stomatitis. Could my animals be at risk? What about my kids? What symptoms do I look for and how can I minimize these risks? | 4 | |
Apple-icious! Use these tried-and-true methods for apple goodness all year long | Josefina Ibarra | 5-7 |
Prevention most effective method to stop invasive species | Julie Kraft | 8-9 |
Name that thistle | Brian Sebade | 10-11 |
Featured landowner: Diversity, adaptability key to bee, beef, vegetable operation | Brian Sebade | 12-14 |
Turn the fruits of your labor into wine | Mae Smith | 15-18 |
How to prep, plant, and care for ornamental garden beds that delight for years | Jennifer Thompson | 19-22 |
Take heart - stressed trees slowly recovering from great November freeze | Mark Hughes | 23-24 |
Age, species diversity bolster tree plantings' health, longevity | Donna Hoffman | 25-27 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Summer, and Wyoming landscapes are still green! | Mae Smith | 2 |
Ask Sam - What are the risks of residual herbicides in compost and manure I use in my garden? | 4 | |
Build backyard wonder for kids - Where the wild things are | Jamie Weiss | 5-6 |
Enjoy this nutritional powerhouse's tartness softened by sweet | Vicki Hayman | 7-9 |
Featured Landowner: Master Gardener creates peaceful landscape blending with surrounding prairie | Jennifer Thompson | 10-12 |
Evacuate animals or have plan to protect them when wildfire looms? | Scott Cotton | 13-15 |
We offer ways to keep sheep venture profitable and woolly, not wild | Kellie Chichester | 16-18 |
Don't get zapped. Know your electric fence parts | Mae Smith | 19-21 |
Got Voles? We have answers | Caleb Carter | 22-24 |
Want to view a great summer spectacle? | Travis Laurance | 25-27 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Swing into Spring | Mae Smith | 2 |
Ask Sam - I have some trees that were hit hard by the freeze last fall. Will the plants live? | 4 | |
Developing a rabbit habit | Rebecca Moncur | 5-7 |
Wyoming hosts many native pollinators | Brenna Marsicek | 8-10 |
Ten Rocky Mountain natives you can grow | Susan Winslow | 11-13 |
It's all about the pesticide label! | Jess Butler | 14-15 |
Nothing complex about Cam-Plex success | Jacelyn Downey | 16-17 |
Not your usual garden crop | Brian Lee | 18-19 |
Are radiant heat retention strategies beneficial to high tunnel production? | Jeff Edwards and Milt Geiger | 20-22 |
Easy to grow, good for you, taste great - but a little raspberry research will sweeten the success | Jeff Edwards | 23-25 |
Neighborhood know-how: Building community with rural neighbors | Tara Kuipers | 26-27 |
Title | Author(s) | Page # |
Welcome Wondrous Winter | Mae Smith | 2 |
Ask Sam - I have a woodpecker that thinks my house would make a nice woodpecker home as well. What can I do to deter it from pecking a hole into my siding? | 4 | |
Bird feeder basics | Jacelyn Downey | 5-6 |
Unraveling the mysteries of mushrooms | Chris Hilgert | 7-9 |
Rediscover your roots | Vicki Hayman | 10-12 |
Proper hoof care provides solid foundation for healthy horse | Dusty Smith | 13-14 |
Composting livestock mortalities on the farm | Caitlin Price Youngquist | 15-17 |
Featured landowners: Family lives more sustainably | Kellie Chichester | 18-20 |
Winter woes - or winter woohoos! | Mae Smith | 21-22 |
Managing moldy hay lessens feed dangers | Steve Paisley | 23-24 |
Beauty and the beast | Travis Laurance | 25-27 |
(Back issues of the magazine can be ordered)
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071