What students (e.g., in which program/s) will most likely have you as a professor during their program tenure?
Students in the Basic BSN program will have me as professor.
What brought you to Wyoming, UWYO?
I fell in love with climbing in Vedauwoo when I visited in 2012. I was also attracted to the Snowy Mountains and Saratoga hot springs. I was really impressed with UW's nursing program when I applied to teach here. And everybody is so laid back and friendly in Wyoming!
How long have you been with UW SoN?
I have only been with the school since August of 2013, but I've grown to call this place home.
Where were you before you came here and what were you doing previous to this position at UW?
I worked as a surgical/trauma ICU nurse at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. I have also taught nursing at the University of Pennsylvania, and worked as a nurse practitioner for a vascular surgery service.
What is your passion area?
I am passionate about wilderness medicine and teaching the critical role that nurses can play in that field. Wyoming is the perfect place for this--it's remote, has a lot of extreme and high-altitude environments, and many people here participate in outdoor activities.
If you are doing research, please also talk about that.
I am hoping to do doctoral work on high altitude effects on female alpinists.
Many faculty have “side interests” that help define who they are. Can you share?
I enjoy climbing, mountain biking, snowshoeing and hiking. The picture above shows me hiking with my cat, Trixie. She likes to boulder with me, too! I also enjoy writing science fiction short stories in my spare time.
Do you see a relationship now or in the future with your side interest linking up with nursing?
Absolutely. The more I learn about high altitude physiology, the better I climb. The more I climb, the more I want to explore high altitude physiology. These interests complement each other perfectly.
What do you like best about teaching?
I thrive on my students' energy. They are passionate about nursing and learn so much in such a short time. I am always proud of their accomplishments.
In addition.
My secret superpower is crafting pop-up cards.