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Multiple Grants awarded to Ann Marie Hart

The College of Health Sciences (CHS) and the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing recognized Ann Marie Hart, associate professor, through the presentation of three separate honors this spring:

  • CHS: Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Award

The College of Health Sciences recognized Hart at the annual CHS awards ceremony this spring for modeling interprofessional education to students. The following was read about her in presentation of the 2014 Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Award: 

"[Hart] has been an active member of the College of Health Sciences Interprofessional Education (IPE) Committee. She was a key player involved in making our CHS interprofessional training day last January a success. .She worked for over a year putting the pieces in place to bring a chapter of the Institute of HealthCare Improvement Open School to UW-CHS students. Dr. Hart has been personally committed to interprofessional collaboration well before her involvement with the IPE committee. Her vita is filled with collaborative projects, working across colleges on grant-funded projects and co-authoring many publications with faculty from Family & Consumer Sciences."

  • Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing "Communication of Wisdom" (C.O.W.) Award

The annual faculty COW (Communication of Wisdom) award was given to Hart "for her scholarly activities and communication of wisdom during the past year," said Dr. Susan Steiner in announcement of the award. "Dr. Hart has had an extremely productive year with six peer-reviewed publications. Her primary area of research involves nurse practitioner (NP) education, specifically NP preparedness and residency training programs after graduation. In addition to publications, Dr. Hart has presented this work at several annual meetings of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty. Her latest passion is searching for innovative approaches to primary care delivery. During a recent sabbatical, Dr. Hart searched for primary care exemplars to develop clinical partnerships for Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. In a podium presentation at the College of Health Sciences Grand Rounds in April, she shared some of her sabbatical work, 'Excellence in Primary Care – What Matters to You?' Dr. Hart’s publications also include clinical topics in primary care."

  • Humenick Research Grant Award

One of the first Humenick Research Grants from the Sharron S. Humenick Nursing Enrichment Fund was awarded to Dr. Ann Marie Hart based on her proposal and abstract titled,"New Nurse Practitioner (NP) Transitional Experiences in NP Residency Programs." Hart will be examining new nurse practitioner (NP) transition experiences in NP residency programs with her colleague, Margaret Flinter, senior vice president and clinical director at Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) in Middletown, Connecticut. CHC has one of the few NP residency programs in the country. Hart and Flinter will be examining the transition process through reflective journals kept by the nurse practitioner residents.






Ann Marie Hart, PhD, FNP-BC

Ann Marie Hart
2014 Multi-award recipient
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