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Cheri Bellamy: CHS Geriatrics Award 2104 Outstanding Teaching in Geriatrics

Cheri BellamyThe College of Health Sciences (CHS) recognized Cheri Bellamy, RN, MS, CGRN, assistant lecturer in nursing, for her dedication to geriatrics. The following text was read about Bellamy in presentation of the 2014 Outstanding Teaching in Geriatrics Award at the annual CHS awards ceremony this spring:

"It is clear to everyone who interacts with Cheri that one of her goals is to share her love of working with older adults with our younger students--not an easy row to hoe. She accomplishes this by finding unique experiences for students and varying her educational activities to enhance student learning. From the evaluations of her students’ experiences at Laramie Care Center, I can say that she was successful in providing positive experiences and recruiting at least a few BSN students into geriatric care. As much as Cheri knows about caring for older adults, she still takes advantage of every opportunity WyGEC [Wyoming Geriatric Education Center] offers to expand her knowledge (which, just in case you all don’t know – is considerable. A good rule of thumb is: If it’s Tuesday, there must be a WyGEC webinar starting at 5:00).

Bellamy was independently nominated for this award by two people in separate divisions.


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